Global BV News: Global industry betas for 3Q2018

BVWireIssue #193-2
October 10, 2018

global business valuation
beta, cost of capital, international business valuation, international cost of capital

BVR offers a free download of Industry Betas for the Third Quarter 2018, which contains global levered and unlevered betas for 134 industries and “regional” betas for 10 geographical areas (including North America, the EU, and Western Europe). The data are from Salvidio & Partners, a Rome, Italy-based business valuation firm headed by Ascanio Salvidio.

The report is distinctive in that it combines industry and geographical perspectives and also features two separate series of levered and unlevered betas. The first series includes levered and unlevered betas estimated for any selected company, regardless of whether its gross debt is higher or lower than its cash and cash equivalents. The second series excludes “net liquidity” to represent companies where “decisions taken by management, all other circumstances being equal, may be different in case of the company’s gross debt being higher or lower than cash and equivalents,” according to Salvidio.

Comments welcome: Salvidio welcomes feedback from BVWire readers on how to improve the study, and you can contact him here.

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