Join us for a free, action-packed, 60-minute webinar of short compelling insights into business valuations in a divorce context from leading experts. For example:
- Family law attorney Andrew Soshnick (Faegre Drinker) on the application of discounts in divorce cases;
- Valuation expert Jim Hitchner (Valuation Products and Services) on when COVID-19 was known and knowable from a business valuation standpoint;
- Attorney Richard West (West Family Law Group) on comparative equitable distribution spreadsheets;
- CPA and valuation expert Michelle Gallagher (Adamy Valuation) on tax and BV settlement strategies in the COVID-19 era; and
- Attorney Adam John Wolff (Alter, Wolff & Foley LLP) on how an uncertain economic future impacts the negotiation of prenuptial agreements.
To register for this free webinar, click here. It also serves as a preview of what you’ll see at the Virtual Divorce Conference, which will bring together attorneys, valuation professionals, and industry experts. The conference is presented by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) and Business Valuation Resources (BVR).
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