BVR’s valuation and case law compendium guides contain a very helpful feature: a handy summary table of hundreds of cases (by jurisdiction) that gives you the case name, date, specific court, and the main valuation issue in the case. From the table, you can quickly refer to the case digest section for an analysis and other details, such as the names of the judge and valuation experts involved (when known). You can also access the full court opinions from BVR’s BVLaw database. The guides also have a section of recent articles from top practitioners.
There is a series of these updated BVR guides, the latest being the fourth edition of Intellectual Property Valuation Case Law Compendium. Also recently released is the fifth edition of the Business Valuation in Divorce Case Law Compendium. New editions of other compendia are in the wings; the next one is valuation in bankruptcy and financially distressed firms.