DLOM dominates top 10 BVU downloads

BVWireIssue #172-1
January 11, 2017

Controversy and debate over the discount for lack of marketability (DLOM) is the dominant theme in the top 10 articles downloaded the most that appeared in Business Valuation Update during the past year. Recent court cases in New York sparked an article by BVU editorial board member Gilbert Matthews (Sutter Securities) that triggered follow-up articles over the state’s out-of-step position with respect to DLOM in fair value proceedings. The articles also include a call for the valuation community to speak with one, clear voice on the matter. On the federal level, DLOM figures into the controversial proposed 2704 regs designed to curb estate valuation discounts.

For 2016, here are the top 10 downloads of articles that appeared in Business Valuation Update:

  • “Experts Size Up Controversial IRS Estate Valuation Regs” (BVR Editor) (September 2016);
  • “Simplified MUM for Determining Personal Goodwill” (Tom Gillmore) (February 2016);
  • “NY’s Unfair Application of Shareholder-Level Marketability Discounts” (Gilbert Matthews) (January 2016);
  • “Some Key Takeaways From the AICPA FVS Conference” (BVR Editor) (January 2016);
  • “DLOMs in N.Y. Statutory Fair Value Cases—A Follow-Up to Matthews” (William Quackenbush) (March 2016);
  • “Seven Tips on Cost of Capital From the AICPA FVS Conference” (BVR Editor) (March 2016);
  • “Business Valuation Year in Review 2015” (BVR Editor) (January 2016);
  • “Adjustment Mapping and the Public-vs.-Private-Company Discount Debate” (Mike Smith) (August 2016);
  • “10 Best Valuation Cases for 2015” (BVR Editor) (January 2016); and
  • “DLOMs in N.Y. Fair Value Cases: Private Company Discounts Are Not Caused by Lack of Marketability” (Gilbert Matthews) (June 2016).

Subscribers to Business Valuation Update have complimentary access to over 20 years of articles written by the top thought leaders in the profession as well as practitioners in the trenches. BVR editors also contribute articles on what they learn from conferences, webinars, interviews, and their contacts around the world.

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