CPE events

BVWireIssue #148-3
January 21, 2015

Any appraiser who deals with family limited partnerships should tune in to our next webinar, which is devoted to special challenges in this area.

Valuations for Complex FLPs (January 27), featuring: Bruce Johnson (Munroe, Park & Johnson Inc.). Once an appraiser adopts a more analytical method for valuing FLPs by using the income and market approaches, there are certain types of partnerships that may be considered complicated. This webinar will focus on valuing complex FLPs, including multiple asset FLPs, oil and gas FLPs, and non-income producing FLPs, using case studies. Plus, Johnson will share his opinions on issues such as how to handle FLPs that own privately held stock, other partnership interests, venture capital funds, and promissory notes.

Other upcoming webinars of interest:

Using Regression Analysis To Value Small Controlling Interests (January 29), featuring Robert Dohmeyer (Dohmeyer Valuation Corp.) and Peter Butler (Valtrend). This is Part 1 of BVR's 2015 Special Series on Financial Modeling.

Advanced Lattice Modeling for Equity and Debt Securities (February 3), featuring Jason Andrews and John Sawyer (both with Alvarez & Marsal). This is Part 2 of BVR's 2015 Special Series on Financial Modeling.

Buy-Sell Agreements (February 12), featuring Brian Burns and Chris Mitchell (both with Dixon Hughes Goodman).

Please let us know if you have any comments about this article or enhancements you would like to see.