- Portfolio Equations and Applications in Valuation(November 15), with Gary Schurman (Applied Business Economics). Part of BVR’s Special Series on Advanced Modeling and Methodologies.
A discussion of valuing basket options, loan guarantees collateralized by a portfolio of risky assets, sizing and pricing risk tranches in structured finance, determining capital requirements for banks, risk assessment, and more. - FREE WEBINAR: Cost of Capital Professional: Transparent. Simple. Free. (November 20), with Dr. Michael Crain (Florida Atlantic University) and Ronald Seigneur (Seigneur Gustafson LLP).
A first look at the newest resource for developing cost of equity capital estimates that will be available on a free-trial basis. This new cost-effective independent resource integrates data from multiple sources, including University of Chicago’s Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) data, Professor Aswath Damodaran’s data resources, and the U.S. Federal Reserve on Treasury bond yields.
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