CPE events

BVWireIssue #189-1
June 6, 2018

  • What the IRS Looks for in a Business Valuation Report (June 12), with Michael Gregory (Michael Gregory Consulting).

    A former IRS manager reveals the most common errors in business valuation reports, what you can do to avoid them, what to do if your report is audited, and how to work with the IRS to resolve issues.
  • Healthcare Valuation: Approaches to Value and Common Pitfalls (June 13), with Nicholas Janiga (HealthCare Appraisers Inc.) and Fred Lara (HealthCare Appraisers). This is part of BVR’s Special Series presented by the BVR/AHLA Guide to Healthcare Industry Finance and Valuation.

    An overview of the healthcare regulatory environment and how it impacts the approaches to value in different appraisal disciplines: business valuation, real estate, M&E, and compensation.
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