- Hospice Valuation: Trends, Value Drivers and Physician Compensation (April 12), with Darcy Devine (Buckhead FMV) and William Hamilton (Veralon). Part 15 of BVR's Special Series presented by the BVR/AHLA Guide to Healthcare Industry Finance and Valuation.
An examination of the business model behind many hospice companies, as well as fair market value and commercial reasonableness issues related to compensating medical directors and hospice physicians, a major concern in this industry. - Monte Carlo in Distressed Company Situations (April 17), with R. James Alerding (Alerding Consulting LLC) and Matthew Bernstein (Dixon Hughes Goodman). Part 3 of BVR’s Special Series on Advanced Modeling and Methodologies.
This session will examine key considerations when tackling a distressed company engagement and how to identify key inputs for using Monte Carlo simulation to craft a quality report.
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