The AHLA Transactions Resource Guide is a collection of articles from leading healthcare experts that discuss significant transaction issues in the healthcare industry. Some of the articles of particular note include:
- “Fairness Opinions and Fair Market Value Opinions in the Health Care Provider Setting,” by Todd Kaltman and Dan Platten (Duff & Phelps);
- “VMG’s Health Care Transactions and M&A Report: 2016 Trends and 2017 Expectations,” by John Meindl and Winston Smart (VMG Health); and
- “Goodwill: Why It Shouldn’t Be a Dirty Word in the Acquisition of Physician Practices,” by Lisa M. Cribben (Wipfli).
Individuals with the Coker Group, Elliott Davis & Decosimo, Sullivan Cotter & Associates Inc., and Stroudwater Associates wrote other articles.
The AHLA also offers (with BVR) the Guide to Healthcare Industry Finance and Valuation, 4th edition, written and edited by Mark O. Dietrich.
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