If seeing experts such as Mark Zyla (Acuitas) and Nancy Fannon (Fannon Valuation Group) in Vegas is still a long-shot in your professional travel plans, you can still catch them during the same week as the AICPA BV confab (and catch up on year-end CPE) by tuning in to these BVR webinars:
- Supporting Your Case: Discovery and Evidence, featuring Fannon and Jonathan Dunitz (Friedman Gaythwaite Wolf & Leavitt), comprises part 4 of BVR’s Online Symposium on Litigation & Economic Damages and will air on Tuesday, Nov. 1.
- Advanced Workshop on Valuation Issues Under ASC 805 and Business Combinations features Zyla and several hands-on, practical examples and case studies in a four-hour “live” and intensive workshop on Thursday, Nov. 3.
And if you would like to hear more from attorneys and judges—including advice that will make expert appraisals more memorable and credible—then complete your own web-based CLE “conference” with:
- Lawyers Roundtable: What Attorneys Are Seeing in Tax Court & What They Are Looking For in Expert Financial Witnesses, with Jay Fishman (Financial Research Associates), Stephanie Loomis-Price (Winstead PC), and Edward M. Robbins (Hochman Salkin Rettig Toscher & Perez, P.C.) on Friday Oct. 28; and,
- Judges Roundtable: View From the Bench, with Hon. David Laro, Hon. Julian Jacobs, Hon. Mary Ann Cohen (all U.S. Tax Court), moderated by Fishman and hosted by Georgetown Univ. Law Center, on Friday Nov. 4.
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