BV movers . . .

BVWireIssue #155-1
August 5, 2015

People: Victoria Bartlett, Bo Brault, and Scott Pearce have been promoted to shareholders at the St. Petersburg, Fla., firm Gregory, Sharer & Stuart … Heidi LaMarca has been elected managing partner of Windham Brannon, which is based in Atlanta … Conrad Lauten has joined the Boston-based valuation division of Gordon Brothers Group as director, business development, and will be based out of the Atlanta office and lead sales in the Southeast region … Robert Quarte, long-time partner and 35-year company veteran, was name to the newly created role of co-managing partner of the Long Island, N.Y., firm Albrecht, Viggiano, Zureck & Co., P.C. (AVZ); he will share responsibility for vision, direction, and leadership of the firm with Thomas Murray, who has served in the capacity of managing partner since 2001 … Tim Spadaro has joined the Albany, N.Y., firm Teal, Becker & Chiaramonte as a senior valuation analyst.

Firms: ASB Audit Co., based in St. Petersburg, Russia, has joined the global professional services group Russell Bedford … The Sri Lankan firm Baker Tilly Edirisinghe & Co. is the latest firm to join Baker Tilly International’s multidisciplinary global network … CohnReznick has been named the recipient of the American Woman’s Society of Certified Public Accountants’ (AWSCPA) “Innovation in Women’s Programming Award” for 2015 … Fuyun (Fuzhou) CPAs of Fuzhou City, China, and Rao & Emmar of Bangalore, India, have joined BKR InternationalGesellschaft für Aufsichtsrecht und Revision mbH (GAR) of Frankfurt has been named HLB Germany’s newest member firm.

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