People: David Buckley, former CIA inspector general, joins KPMG as a managing director and will lead its Forensic Advisory Services … Dave Camp, former U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee chairman, joins PwC US as a senior policy advisor based in its Washington, D.C., practice … Shea Dean has been promoted to manager at the Alabama firm Hartmann, Blackmon & Kilgore P.C. (hb&k), one of the Gulf Coast's leading CPA and business consulting firms … Robert Mancini joins Dixon Hughes Goodman as a director in Risk Advisory Services and will be based out of its Washington, D.C., office … Sandy McGee joins the Wisconsin firm of Vrakas/Blum S.C. as chief operating officer … Mandeep Trived is the new practice leader of valuation services at Citrin Cooperman in New York City and will direct preparation and delivery of valuations of private equity, businesses, intellectual property and intangible assets, and complex securities.
Firms: Grant Thornton has been named “Best Program for Leadership Development” by the Managing Partners’ Forum at its 2015 awards celebration in London … Boston-based Walsh, Jastrem & Browne LLP (WJ+B) merged with the national firm WithumSmith+Brown.