BV movers . . .

BVWireIssue #136-4
January 29, 2014

People: Cindy B. Carradine, CPA/CFF, has joined Hill Schwartz Spilker Keller as a managing director in litigation services at the Dallas office … James Schultz, CPA/CVA/CFF/MAFF, has joined Chicago’s Cambridge Partners & Associates Inc. as director of business valuation and litigation services … Eckhoff Accountancy Corp. (San Rafael, Calif.) has announced that Denise M. Frey, CPA/ABV/CFF, CVA, Janina C. Thomas, CPA, and Dashiell G. Thompson, CPA, have all been named shareholders effective as of January 1 … CBIZ Valuation Group LLC promoted the following professionals: Mary Dempsey, to director (Central Region); James Kelley, to director (Southwest); Caitlin Liguori, to senior consultant (Northeast); Todd Mitchell, to director (Northeast); Marc Richards, to manager (Southwest); Santo (Sam) Rizzo, to manager (Capital Asset Practice) … Gettry Marcus (Woodbury, N.Y.) named Gabe Shurek as director in the business valuation and litigation services group. Shurek began his career with Gettry Marcus as a junior accountant in 2001 … Michael Pendergast, principal at BlumShapiro’s litigation services and business valuation group, was promoted to partner. He provides expert business valuations and in-person testimony in cases such as divorce, shareholder disputes, and business acquisitions.

Firms: Smith, Goolsby, Artis & Reams and Kelley, Galloway & Co. have agreed to merge. The deal is expected to close on July 1. The combined firm—Kelley Galloway Smith Goolsby PSC—will have 52 employees, including 11 shareholders/directors. Offices will be in Ashland, Pikeville, Cold Spring (all Kentucky), and Cincinnati … WithumSmith+Brown has merged with Hutchins, Meyer & DiLieto PA, building WS+B’s presence in Toms River, NJ. The deal took effect January 15 and added 15 professionals to WS+B’s roster … Yeo & Yeo (Saginaw, Mich.) and Hungerford & Co. (Southgate, Mich.) have merged. The combined firm will operate under the Yeo & Yeo name and will give the firm the opportunity to extend its reach in the southeastern Michigan region.

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