BV movers . . .

BVWireIssue #269-1
February 5, 2025

People: Charles Higgins, CFA, has been promoted to partner at Philadelphia-based Centri Business Consulting; he has over 30 years of experience in providing fairness and solvency opinions in connection with going private transactions, spinoffs, related-party transactions, recapitalizations, and restructurings … Chet Dominik has joined HKA as director in the firm’s Forensic Accounting and Commercial Damages practice team in Chicago; he is a commercial damages and intellectual property expert with over 16 years of experience with financial and economic damages analysis and quantification, business and IP valuations, and patent infringement assessments … Leigh Miller, global conflicts leader at Ernst & Young, has been appointed to the board of trustees of the International Valuation Standards Council; he has over 30 years of experience in providing a broad range of valuation services to clients and has held a number of leadership positions in the valuation profession and has been actively involved with the IVSC for many years, having previously served on the Standards Review Board.

Firms: Columbus, Ohio-based GBQ Partners LLC has acquired Cincinnati-based Wirth Lowe Wissemeier CPAs Inc., a small-business tax firm that will operate out of GBQ’s Cincinnati’s office … New York City-based Grassi has acquired Chelmsford, Mass.-based Anstiss & Co. PC, which provides family-owned businesses, nonprofits, and high-net-worth individuals; six partners and 50 professionals and staff will join Grassi from Anstiss … San Francisco-based SD Mayer & Associates LLP has acquired Ronald Ruttenberg & Co. CPAs (RRC), a firm that provides tax, accounting, and consulting services.

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