BV experts without websites ‘don’t exist,’ says attorney

BVWireIssue #118-3
July 25, 2012

“If you don’t have a website by now, get one; otherwise you don’t exist—not in my professional opinion,” said attorney Randy Kessler (Kessler & Solomiany) at this year’s NACVA Consultants’ Conference in Dallas. “If you’re not on the Internet, you’re not legitimate.”

Once you’ve established a website, update it regularly, Kessler said, with “content, content, content.” Post your latest articles and publications, along with pictures and videos, because Kessler and other attorney/referrals will want to know: “Who am I hiring?” If you’re comfortable testifying, he said, then you should be comfortable enough in front of a camera to post a short clip that shows “what kind of impression you’ll make on the witness stand.”

Would you post your fees on the Web? Your website/domain name should include your own name (for solo practitioners) or your firm’s name. Your email address should include your website name and so should your letterhead. Kessler also suggested posting your fees on your website, so that any potential clients “won’t be shocked” by your prices and you don’t waste time talking to anyone who can’t afford you. Use Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn as marketing tools, he advised NACVA attendees, and blog about interesting topics in your field. “What’s even more important than blogging?” he asked. Answer: Emailing personalized links to your referral list. (“John or Jane Attorney, I thought about you when I read this case, and I just blogged about it here.”) To those experts who worry about their blogging coming back to bite them on the stand, Kessler said, “Everything can be used against you.” Don’t be scared, but don’t blog your analysis or opinions, either; just provide general notice and information. And be sure to set up a Google alert for your name so that you can monitor your ever-expanding presence on the Web.

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