Business Valuation Wire expands coverage of CFAI and ACG this spring

BVWireIssue #101-2
February 9, 2011

BVWire will be covering the annual meeting of the Certified Financial Analyst Institute (CFAI) in May in Edinburgh…and also the Association of Corporate Growth InterGrowth 2011 meeting (ACG) in San Diego in March. Our goal of this expanded coverage is to make sure all our readers are kept apprised of professional trends in valuation at these large and key groups. Incidentally, about 16,000 people worldwide found out they passed the Level I CFA exam in December this week–congrats to our readers who are among those new CFAs!

Of course, we’ll continue our coverage of our core professional groups–the ASA, NACVA, IBA, CICBV, the AICPA’s FVS Section–and the new international IIBV effort, and much more.

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