You can’t do it alone. Leaders of the BV profession can all recount stories of lawyers—and judges—whose understanding of appraisal fundamentals seemed somewhere between comic and dangerous. BVR has been trying to bridge that gap by bringing lawyers and business appraisers together whenever we can. The joint BVR/ASA Divorce: A Hands-On Workshop for BV Practitioners, hosted by Jay Fishman and Bill Morrison, is one example. A second is the University of San Diego School of Law Summit on DLOM, hosted by Judge David Laro and Mel Abraham, and produced by BVR. The editors of BVWire thought readers might enjoy a very short video we produced to market BVR events to lawyers (and of course feel free to share the link with your lawyer friends!). We hope this doesn’t seem too familiar to any of you!
Between comic and dangerous
BVWireIssue #69-2
June 18, 2008
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