Best Sources for Reasonable Compensation Criteria

BVWireIssue #45-3
June 21, 2006

Are too many BV appraisers acting as compensation experts? That’s what attorney Don Schiller believes (Schiller DuCanto and Fleck; Chicago), according to his comments at last month’s national conference on divorce by the AICPA/AAML in Las Vegas. But a compensation expert can cost more than the appraisal, and so most BVers have to depend on industry data and “homogenized” surveys, according to Schiller and his co-presenter, Jim Hitchner. Their comments, plus a “12-point” checklist to test your compensation expertise, are featured in the July Business Valuation Update™. For a free copy of the article—which includes the most current, comprehensive list of compensation resources—go to

To “bullet-proof” your compensation conclusions, don’t miss the June 29, 2006 BVR telephone conference on reasonable compensation, which features Ron Seigneur, Michael Paschall, Rod Burkert, and Ralph Ostermueller—and includes tips/techniques to improve support for required adjustments, data applications, and more. To register, go to

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