Business valuation education is going to the movie capital of the world: In conjunction with its 2007 International Appraisal Conference July 15-18 in Hollywood, California, the American Society of Appraisers will hold a day-long series of BV seminars. The all-star line-up includes an IRS update on the all-important Pension Protection Act, followed by Ashok Abbott (West Va. Univ.) on what the last three years have done to the discounts for lack of liquidity and marketability, while Mark Sarchet (Trenwith Valuations) will review SFAS 141 and the impact of changes associated with SFAS 141R. Dennis Webb (Primus Valuations) will also explain how to integrate the sometimes wide-ranging facts and circumstances related to real estate and business appraisals when valuing asset-holding companies as well as common tenancy interests. For more information, visit the ASA conference website; latest reports show the conference hotel nearly sold out.
Appraisers head for Hollywood
BVWireIssue #57-4
June 27, 2007
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