What do auditors expect from business valuation forecasts during COVID-19?

BVWire–UKIssue #16-1
July 7, 2020

management forecasts
economic forecast, cash flow, projections, coronavirus, COVID-19

Auditors around the globe will be expecting multiple forecast scenarios in reports from their valuation experts. So agrees the panel on the newest iiBV June 2020 Update—COVID-19 Webinar. It’s a great discussion, well worth the time of any business valuer who does work for the Big Four in the UK. Led by Michael Badham, executive director of the International Institute of Business Valuers (iiBV), the panel (which is free), consists of: Yann Magnan, IVSC European Board chair (UK); Andrew Ooi, partner at Deloitte (Southeast Asia); Carla Nunes, Duff & Phelps (USA); and David Pearson, Leadenhall (Australia).

A practical approach to managing the market and income approaches during this period is also available from Dan Van Vleet’s programme for BVR in late June. Van Vleet and his colleagues offer multiple examples so that business valuers can continue to use these core BV methods without fear of ‘double counting or ignoring the current market impairment.’ If the comparables or benefit stream you’re measuring against are not impaired, then valuers must use pre-COVID-19 metrics for their target company to maintain an ‘apples to apples’ comparison, the programme demonstrates.

The iiBV panel discusses a number of current valuation topics, including asset impairments, projections, cost of capital, and more. This panel discussion follows up on its first webinar, iiBV’s Impact of COVID-19—Global Perspectives, which was released in April.

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