The future of goodwill

BVWire–UKIssue #30-2
September 21, 2021

After years of acquisitions, goodwill now dominates most listed company financial statements. The CFAI estimate that the approximately £3 trillion of goodwill would eliminate any public-company profits for years to come if it were recognized as part of new IASB or other standards. Financial regulators have discussed those standards endlessly, but the programme for change remains unclear.

Business valuers interested in changes in accounting for goodwill will have the opportunity Thursday 23 September to join Sandy Peters, PJ Patel, and Pranav Ghai from 7:30 to 8:30 BT for a webcast as they discuss the current state of goodwill, including:

  • What we know about goodwill assets;
  • Why goodwill matters to corporate valuation and reporting (a question that most BVWire—UK readers may already understand);
  • How COVID-19 shaped deal-making and goodwill valuations; and
  • What the unintended consequences would be if we amortize goodwill?

The CFA Institute, Calcbench, and Valuation Research Corp. hosted the free webinar.  To register, click here.

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