Kudos to Manchester’s Alexander & Co for promoting the benefits of a business valuation during turbulent times

BVWire–UKIssue #26-1
May 4, 2021

Manchester-based Alexander & Co deserves credit for marketing independent business valuation services. Among other things, they published an article in the 28 April edition of HR News, published by Codel Software, on the topic of business valuations and COVID-19. “Given the impact of the pandemic, we are seeing more businesses requiring valuations, either for assurance or to get a better understanding of their business assets. During periods of economic uncertainty, it is crucial that businesses understand and appreciate the importance of getting business valuations,” the firm says.

The BV profession benefits from public outreach of this sort. Few business owners recognise business valuation as a separate activity or understand the benefits. And they often assume every ICAEW member can perform business valuation services.

More public education and communication of this type is required by independent business valuers. As this article states, “knowing your business’s value allows you to have more financial control over your decisions within the company.”

The promotional article directs business owners to the UK government for comparable transactions and suggests that owners “thinking about getting a business valuation this year … speak to a company who specialises in business valuations, like Alexander & Co, to learn how to get started.”

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