Valuing a Business 4th edition now out; Reflects growing consensus

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 6 No. 9
September 2000
Shannon P. Pratt, CFA, ARM, ABAR, FASA, MCBA, CM&AA
american society of appraisers (ASA), canadian institute of chartered business valuators (CICBV), marital dissolution, internal revenue service (IRS), uniform standards of professional appraisal practice (USPAP), institute of business appraisers (IBA), american bar association (ABA), american institute of certified public accountants (AICPA), national association of certified valuation analysts (NACVA), ibbotson associates, minority oppression


The fourth edition of Valuing a Business is finally available, and I am quite pleased with the resulting product. The very extensive amount of updated and new material is a testament to the ...